Excuse Me…What’s My Motivation?

To start the week off right, I figured I would start with a simple but rather important step in making positive changes… mission statements. I usually don’t do well with Mondays…especially mornings, but maybe you are different. Before we get into all of that, might I point out that this new goal of mine  (blogging) is so fabulous! However, also very tedious and is definitely challenging my tech skills. So while I continue to ‘get my life’, I ask for your continued presence in my blogsphere and be sure to let me know you were here by leaving a comment!




Or so I keep on telling myself! I wont complain…I wont complain…I won’t…oh whatever!





Excuse Me, Excuse me, what’s my motivation? (I loved that commercial)

There is nothing more powerful than knowing where you’re going and how you intend on getting there. However, for many of us it is not so clear. I remember finishing my undergrad degree and thinking “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” If you’re anything like me then you really waited too late to plan. A favorite saying of mine is if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

So how do we plan for the next chapter? How do we decide what will be next? Well, obviously goal planning but before you get to that step how about creating your own personal mission statement.



It’s something that we all can do with a little bit of effort, hell if my 11 year old can complete one then you have no excuse. I will provide you with an example:

“My mission is to empower people to fulfill their true potential. My mission is to also limit negative and limiting beliefs in exchange for positivity and optimism. I declare that not every day will be perfect but it will be a day in which I have been blessed to continue to grow as a women of faith, substance and love. I will be true to myself, my family and fulfill my roles as a mother and wife. I will walk with confidence and pride and will always let my light shine.”

Your mission statement can be about your personal development as a human being, it can encompass your career goals, financial plans for the future, marriage hopes, ability to procreate, or to be an Instagram model (No judgment). The purpose is to write a mission statement that is going to push you in the right direction. The mission statement should act as a catalyst for your success and should be placed in an area in which you can see it daily…perhaps on your vanity, front door or car visor.

The purpose is of course to help but it’s important that you understand how. Using the above mission statement, I would approach my day with these ideals in mind. If I have a decision to make then it should be in alignment with my mission for my life. If I know that my mission in life is to be an educator then everything I do should be to get me to that step.

When you look at any organization’s mission statement, you can see what they are all about and when something falters within that organization they can then be held accountable. The same goes for you…share your mission statement with a friend or your family. Allow others in your life to know what you are about and how they should see you. In the event that you step of course, they can clearly identify that blunder and help you back on course.

Your vision is your vision alone and if you have blinders on and are coasting through life then I suggest you turn off the cruise control, get in the driver’s seat and please oh please…Girl, Stop Complaining!

Please feel free to use this as a guide for completing your mission statement.

girl stop complaining



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